Follow-up: Farako Tree Nursery Project

Mali | July 2024 – December 2026

Tree Planting Days with Local Schools

The Tree Nursery Project in Farako (Mali) was launched in response to the alarming climate crisis, which is hitting the Global South particularly hard. The project aims to make a concrete contribution to mitigating the effects of climate change and sensitising pupils, teachers, and parents to the urgency of climate protection measures. The project was initiated by 2ADIB-MALI/Amis de la Nature (Naturefriends Mali) in 2022 and is financed by the Naturefriends Climate Fund.

The village of Farako is situated in the rural district of Finkolo in the south of Mali. The region suffers from severe drought, which is becoming increasingly extreme because of climate change. The project’s focus is on planting fruit trees to enhance both the environmental situation and local food security.


We would like to continue this project as it is an effective tool to give valuable advice to the students, the future environmentalists, to reduce the carbon footprint, to produce oxygen and fruit for the population and to beautify the schools.
The benefits of a tree for people’s lives are enormous!

Moussa Traoré, President of Naturefriends Mali

Your Climate Fund donation enables:

  • Planting of at least 500 trees annually
  • Awareness raising for climate and nature protection
  • Continuous support for the participating women and families
  • Capacity building in tree care, harvesting, processing and marketing of fruit
  • Educational activities for children/youth

Project Phases

The project was carried out in three key phases:

  1. Setting up the Nursery: The first phase involved preparing the ground for the nursery. Despite initial challenges in sourcing fruit tree seeds, the perseverance of the project team enabled the project to commence on 18 June 2022.
  2. Cultivation of the Plants: The second phase focused on the care and growth of the young plants.
  3. Planting Fruit Trees with Schools: The third phase saw the planting of fruit trees in local schools to involve the pupils in climate action and educate them about global warming and its environmental impacts.

First Tree-Planting Day (29 April 2024)

The first action day targeted three schools at Farako, where 435 fruit trees were planted and a broad range of educational and awareness raising activities took place.

Second Tree-Planting Day (30 July 2024)

The second action day extended the initiative to additional locations:

  • A small orchard of 155 plants was established near the Farako branch of 2ADIB-MALI/Amis de la Nature.
  • 60 seedlings were planted in the schoolyard of Sanankoro, a village located 15 km from Farako, along the road to Burkina Faso.

Extension of the Project

After evaluating the success of the activities carried out, the Climate Fund Steering Committee proposed a multi-year follow-up project to 2ADIB-MALI/Amis de la Nature. This contract will provide € 3,000 annually over three years (July 2024 to December 2026) and enables expanding the Tree-Planting Days to other localities in Mali. This way, at least 500 trees shall be planted each year in the framework of extensive environmental education activities. Following a positive evaluation of the activities, a further extension is planned.

Tree-Planting Day in N’Gana village

The first action under the new contract took place on 1 August 2024 in N’Gana, 95 km from Sikasso. A total of 500 seedlings were planted in the schoolyard of N’Gana and across various private gardens. The event was attended by representatives from 2ADIB-MALI/Amis de la Nature, local officials, and community members. The event concluded with discussions about global warming and its effects, conveyed in both the local language and French.

Project Impact

From Farako to Sanankoro and N’Gana, so far 1,150 trees have been planted in the framework of educational activities with five schools. Newly established Naturefriends clubs in the participating schools supported by school leadership ensure the regular monitoring and care of the trees. Despite big challenges such as poor road conditions and difficult plant transportation, the project’s success is a testament to the commitment of everybody involved.

Link to the video:  A Tree Nursery for Farako 2024 – YouTube


The Farako Tree Nursery Project has been a significant initiative in raising awareness about climate change and its effects, particularly among young people, and improves the living conditions of the local population. By planting fruit trees, the project not only contributes to CO2 storage, improvement of the microclimate and stabilisation and regeneration of soil but also provides healthy fruit and enhances school environments. The project serves as an effective educational tool, equipping the children with the knowledge and motivation to protect our planet.

Outlook and Perspectives

The continuation and expansion of this project are essential for securing sustainability. Planting fruit trees in and around schools will remain a priority, as it provides long-term benefits for the environment and the community. Trees are invaluable to human life, and their planting is a crucial step in combating climate change.


Like all Climate Fund projects, the Tree Planting Days rely on donations from Naturefriends from the Global North. All donations are channelled 100 % into the local projects without deducting any administrative costs and make a valuable contribution to climate justice:

In addition to one-off donations, there is also the option of donating regularly from € 10 per month as part of Naturefriends Tree Sponsorships – these regular donations give the African Naturefriends organisations planning security and enable the best possible impact and sustainability of the Climate Fund projects (see:

Thank you very much for your donations, which contribute to a good future for all people!