May 2024
We are pleased to report on the latest developments regarding our tree nursery project in Farako, Mali, which started in 2022 and was financed by the Climate Fund. The aim was to produce and plant at least 1,000 fruit trees such as mango, lemon, guava, mandarin, and papaya to give people in the region access to fresh fruit, combat soil erosion, and counteract climate change.
However, due to the difficult political situation in Mali, there have been some delays in implementation. We are therefore particularly pleased with the latest news from project coordinator Moussa Traoré from Naturefriends Mali (2 ADIB-Mali/AMIS de la Nature).
435 newly planted fruit trees & awareness raising
On 29 April 2024, the ceremonial launch of a large-scale planting campaign with three local schools took place. Four dedicated members of Naturefriends Mali travelled to Farako to support the campaign. In addition to the pupils, the mayor, school directors and teaching staff, parents and younger siblings of the pupils also took part.
During the campaign, the Naturefriends Mali project team provided information about global warming and the crucial role of trees for human life, thus creating a basis for greater awareness and understanding of climate and environmental protection.
A big thank you to all donors!
On behalf of the people of Farako, Naturefriends Mali would like to thank all donors for their contribution to the realisation of this project. The joint commitment of Naturefriends from the Global North and the Global South has laid a strong foundation for the future success of the tree nursery and contributed to a better future for the people of Farako.
Around 6,000 fruit trees are currently growing in the tree nursery. The next planting campaign is planned for July.
For Naturefriends Mali, the campaign is an important step in their ongoing commitment to combating climate change and promoting sustainable development in Mali, which is of central importance, especially given the uncertain political situation.
More information about this project: