Elena Teutsch
Elena is in charge of the member organisations of Naturefriends International and is responsible for the promotion of the Climate Fund and the processing of donations. She is the first contact person for Naturefriends and member organisations interested in the Climate Fund projects.

Andrea Lichtenecker
Andrea is the Executive Director of Naturefriends International and responsible for the management of the Climate Fund projects. She is the coordinator of the Climate Fund Steering Group, which selects suitable projects on the basis of the submission documents and an online hearing, accompanies their implementation and checks the progress, the accounting and the achievement of the projects’ objectives.

Mamadou Mbodji
Mamadou is President of the Naturefriends Africa Network, Vice President of Naturefriends International and Coordinator of the Naturefriends thematic group on Climate Justice. He is the coordinator of the Climate Fund projects implemented in Senegal and disseminates his extensive expertise on climate justice and the implementation of tree planting projects through countless Naturefriends events at local, regional and international levels.