September 2023
From 29 July to 6 August 2023, the fruit tree sponsorship project initiated by Naturefriends International to reinforce the tree plantings already carried out in the Senegal/Gambia Landscape of the Year region was implemented by a mixed group of Senegalese and Gambian technicians.
In cooperation with the participating communities, 3,500 fruit trees were distributed and planted in the targeted compounds:
- 1,250 mango trees
- 1,250 lemon trees
- 500 sapodilla trees
- 500 corolla trees
First, the team visited the villages of Koungheul Soce, Koumbidia Soce, Sally Escale and Maka Gouye on the Senegalese side. The work in the fifth Senegalese village, Pakala, was carried out after the return from the Gambia.
On the Gambian side, the villages of Yero Bele Kunda, Sankule Kunda and Janjanbureh were visited.
In the selected villages, the team held intensive dialogs about the importance of trees in addressing the climate crisis. The communities praised not only the ecological but also the economic and social benefits of the project.
This was also a good opportunity to visit the Landscape of the Year region of Senegal/the Gambia, where the project team was very pleased to see that the trees planted a few years earlier are already bearing fruit, much to the delight of their owners.
Help support people in the regions most affected by climate change in their fight against the effects of the climate crisis with your donation to the Climate Fund! As a tree sponsor, you make a sustainable contribution to climate justice with regular payments. Local groups can also take on a tree sponsorship to make a joint contribution. The amount of the donation can be adjusted individually; for local groups, for example, ONE EURO/PER MEMBER/ PER YEAR is a good option.
Your contribution enables the successful implementation of the project with the planting of at least 3,500 trees per year, opening new perspectives for the local population and strengthening the role of women who are traditionally responsible for the care of the gardens and fields.
More information and contact:
Frequently asked questions are answered here.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly: Elena Teutsch, or call +43 (0)1 892 38 77.
For interested local groups, we are glad to organise an online seminar where we provide detailed information about the initiative.